
I am working in counseling, facilitating, team development, and conflict resolution with individuals in academia, in the arts, in teaching and in social work.


For the training and coaching network ATV in Leipzig I work as coach.

Conne Island

Conne Island is a social-cultural center in Leipzig. I worked for Conne Island as facilitator.


greater form is part of giro e.V. and encourages children and adolescents to explore their enviroment and experience participation using an artistic language. As counseler I visited the project.

KV Toleranz &

KV Toleranz & Inklusion gGmbH is an organisation for children and adolescents. I support KV Toleranz in team development.

Landesamt für Schule und Bildung

For Landesamt für Schule und Bildung in Radebeul I am working in facilitation and conflict resolution for the project „Starke Lehrer – starke Schüler“.

Teach First

The Leadership-Program Teach First supports fellows at schools, where they facilitate a more equitable and participatory education. For Teach First fellows I do mentoring since 2020.

Universität Leipzig

For Leipzig University I provide trainings and workshops, for instance in conflict management and science communication.